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文档介绍:Uncle Sam Uncle Sam is a symbol of the United States Some pictures can help us understand Uncle Sam “山姆大叔”这一绰号产生于 1812 年美英战争时期(美国独立战争时期)。纽约州的洛伊城有一位肉类包装商,名叫塞缪尔·威尔逊。他诚实能干,富于创业精神, 在当地很有威信,人们亲切地叫他“山姆大叔”。战争期间,他担任纽约州和新泽西州的军需检验员,负责在供应军队的牛肉桶和酒桶上打戳。 1812 年1月,纽约州长带领一些人前往其加工厂参观,看到牛肉桶上都盖有 .—,便问是何意思。工人回答, , 。凑巧的是, “山姆大叔”的缩写也是 .,所以一个工人开玩笑地说, “山姆大叔”( Uncle Sam )。这件趣事传开后, “山姆大叔”名声大振。人们把那些军需食品都称为“山姆大叔”送来的食物。独立战争后,政治漫画里开始出现了一个名叫"山姆大叔"的人物。他的原型是一个早期漫画人物,名叫“乔纳森大哥”,此人在美国独立战争时期非常出名。渐渐地,山姆大叔取代了乔纳森大哥,成了最受美国人欢迎的象征。 美国人还把“山姆大叔”诚实可靠、吃苦耐劳以及爱国主义的精神视为自己民族的骄傲和共有的品质。从此这个绰号便不胫而走。第一次世界大战中曾出现过“山姆大叔”号召美国青年当兵的宣传画,流传很广。 1961 年,美国国会正式承认“山姆大叔”为美国的民族象征。 Fourteen-year-old Sam Wilson ran away from home to join his father and older brothers in the fight to liberate the American colonies from the British during the American Revolution. At age 23, he started a meat-packing business and earned a reputation for being honest and hard-working . Fourteen-year-old Sam Wilson ran away from home to join his father and older brothers in the fight to liberate the American colonies from the British during the American Revolution. At age 23, he started a meat-packing business and earned a reputation for being honest and hard-working . During a later war in 1812, Wilson gained a position inspecting meat for US Army forces, working with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the army. Barrels of meat supplied to the army were stamped “ EA-US ”, identifying pany (EA) and the country of origin (US). According to one story, when a government official visited the plant and asked about the letters, a creative employee told him “ US ” was short for “ Uncle Sam ” Wilson. Soon soldiers were saying all Army supplies were from “ Uncle Sam ”. ? After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoons, his form evolving from an earlier cartoon character called Brother Jonathan that was popular during