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导购员自我评价 [服装导购员英文自我评价].doc

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导购员自我评价 [服装导购员英文自我评价].doc

上传人:raojun00001 2021/7/10 文件大小:41 KB


导购员自我评价 [服装导购员英文自我评价].doc


文档介绍:导购员自我评价 [服装导购员英文自我评价]

Have a good sense of teamwork and organizational coordination.
Optimistic, self-confidence, good psychological quality, with outstanding learning and adaptability.
Strong sense of responsibility, active and meticulous, have good communication skills and work style.
A: I am mature and stable, strong, stable state of mind, can play an important task;
2: marketing and management experience, ability to accept, can quickly accept the new theory and skills, not subject to experience constraints;
3: good health, able to live scared, good at dealing with unexpected emergencies
Four: has a strong system analysis ability and market judgment.
Five: the dealer s management experience and urbanization operation has extensive experience, according to different market-related market access system and marketing strategy.
Sixth: the development of the channel, maintaining a unique insight and rich management experience.
7: a strong team management and operational awareness, to fully understand and implement the company s market strategy.
Eight: the terminal management, offline activities, large customer management, access strategy has a wealth of actual combat experience.
Nine: according to company requirements on the sales targets in accordance with the actual situation of the market for effective decomposition and reached.
I entered the clothing store since XX years of work, with an open mind to learn, take seriously the work, sum up experience, has also made some achievements. At work, I gradually realized that in order to do the work of clothing Purchasing Guide, to have their own strict requirements. Hereby, develop my 2012 work plan, in order to inspire self, get good results:
First, under the leadership of the manager, the unity of