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文档介绍:摘要在已跨入 21 世纪的今天,人类使用和学****信息的方式以及信息的包装方式正在进行着不可阻挡的革命。目前,我国上网的人口已经过亿,是世界上网民最多的国家,许多人在需要查询信息,首先想到的就是上网。网站的迷人之处在于综合使用文本、图象、声音、动画和电影院的信息和内容,具有丰富的多媒体表现与互动特点,无可置疑,网站已成为最吸引人的也最有效的信息传递手段和方式。本网站充分运用网页编程的一些基本特点,加入了 Java 语言、 JavaScript 代码与 CSS 脚本等页面元素。本网站图文并茂、界面直观、操作简单,内容布局条理清楚,颜色鲜明、搭配合理,内容丰富,令您在浏览本站时能得知最新的电影资讯,还可以发表对电影的评论。随着计算机技术和 的日新月异,电影评论网站技术因良好的人机交互性倍受教育、娱乐等行业青睐。这里结合平台开发实例,参考管理信息系统的开发,阐述了中小型网上电影评论网站的原理、结构以及设计与实现。本电影评论网站系统在 WEB 的基础上模拟企业级的电影评论网站系统,实现用户信息管理、电影信息的添加、删除、修改及对电影的评论等功能。由于本系统是一个小型系统,所以本人采用基本的 MySQL 数据库,易于实现。具体实现中将 HTML 、JSP 及 JavaScript 完美融合,力求界面美观、操作流畅。关键词: 电影评论网站 Web MySQL JavaScript ABSTRACT In the 21st century, human use and study of information and information way of packing is carrying on the unstoppable revolution. At present, China has a population of users in the world was billion, most countries, many people are in need of information, the first thought is the . Site in the charming integrated use text, images, audio, animation, and the information and content, has the rich multimedia and interactive features, doubt, the website has e the most attractive is the most effective means and ways of information transmission. This web site make full use of some basic functions, joined the Java language, JavaScript , CSS elements. This website illustrated, intuitive interface, easy operation, and content distribution, clear bright colors, rich in content, reasonable collocation, make you browse our website can enjoy movies, also can leave a message. With the rapid development puter technology and technology, the cinema because of good website by education and entertainment human-machine interaction, etc. Here, the reference platform development with examples of management information system based on Web development, expounds the cinema, the principle of the website system software structure and design. This movie website system in the work based on simulation based on Web sites, and realize the cinema user information management system, the movie theater add, del


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