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上传人:WonderB 2021/7/12 文件大小:15 KB




If youre a vire, its all about you.
Why is Edward Cullen obsessed to the point of erotomania by Bella Swan? Because she smells so yummy, but he doesnt want to kill her.
Heres what he tells her: He must not be around her.
He might sink his fangs in just a little, and not be able to stop.
She finds this overwhelmingly attractive.
She tells him he is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.
I dont remember Edward ever saying that to her.
Maybe once.
He keeps on saying they should stay far, far apart, because he craves her so much.
Should a woman fall in love with a man because he desires her so much? Men seem to think so.
It"s not about the woman, it"s about the man"s desire.
We all know there is no such thing as a vire.
e on now, what is “Twilight” really about? It"s about a teenage boy trying to practice abstinence, and how, in the heat of the moment, it"s really, really hard.
And about a girl who wants to go all the way with him, and doesn"t care what might happen.
He"s so beautiful she would do anything for him.
She is the embodiment of the sentiment, “I"d die for you.” She is, like many adolescents, a thanatophile.
The movie is lush and beautiful, and the actors are well-chosen.
You may recall Robert Pattinson (Edward) as Cedric Diggory, who on Voldemort"s orders was murdered in a graveyard in “Harry Potter and the Gob