文档介绍:: .
**** WINES
Pudao Wines Tasters Club
** 品酒俱乐部
300 RMB to join
100 RMB is a joining fee for the card and all the privileges that come with it
200 RMB is a credit for tasting at the store that is charged on your own individual card
人民币 300 元入会,其中包括:
人民币 100 元是卡费,包含所有的优惠与特权
人民币 200 元充值费,可以在店内使用已充值的会员卡品酒
Membership brings with it the following priviledges
Use of the tasting machines at the store with your own personal card where you can try before you buy 在您购买酒之前,可以用您的会员卡在自动品酒机上品酒。
Access to the “Grape Escape”- our Terrace on the 1 you can buy a bottle in the store and enjoy it on Shanghai 's most exclusive little terrace
访问“ Grape Escape”我们二楼的阳台,只需在店内买一瓶酒,或是从品酒机点够单杯酒,就 能在上海最独特的小阳台上享用佳酒。
You can charge up your membership card with as much credit as you like and use the card for wine tasing.
A 10 % discount on all full bottles purchased in the store. 店内消费:每瓶葡萄酒可以享受 9 折优惠。
Member Can ape Night -we offer free canap everyfThursday ni ght,from 6-8pm
会员小吃之夜 —每周四晚 6点至 8点, **提供会员免费的精美小点。
Early notice of Pudao events and special wine tastings
提前告知 ** 的活动及品酒会
Terms and conditions-
1) Your membership card is valid for one year
2) Please note we cannot replace lost or sto