指导教师:严亚周 职称讲师
专 业: 自动化
班 级: 自本1001班
随着社会的日益发展,人民的生活水平日益提高,交通工具的使用变得越来 越广泛,交通压力也不断的升级成为人们日益关注的问题。若想在车辆穿梭、行 人熙攘的十字路口做到车行车道、人行人道并且有条不絮得进行下去,那就得有 个公平公正的指挥官对十字路口进行指导一一交通灯便起到了十分重要的作用。
基于交通灯控制系统的实用性、稳定性及性价比,本设计选择以80C51单片 机为核心芯片,并外加输入和输出电路,可实现十字路口交通自动控制和紧急情 况下能够手动切换信号灯进行十字路口应急处理。同时,本设计设置了自动检测 系统对通行车辆数量进行检测和上下班等高峰时间段的分时段管理,及特殊车辆 优先通行设置,以达到交通的高效性。
同时,本系统采用双电源供电方案,主要是为了防止市电突然断电或出现故 障时,交通灯仍能稳点的进行交通指挥,避免出现交通混乱现象。其原理主要是 运用二极管的单向导电性所带来的开关功能来实现双电源的瞬时切换。
With the development of society, people's living standard is increasing day by day, the transportation is becoming more and more widely used, the traffic also continuously upgrade become a problem there is a growing concern. To the vehicle travel, pedestrians bustling crossroads do dealership lanes, pedestrian humanitarian and a sleeping don't have to proceed, you must have a fair commander to guide - a crossroads traffic lights will play a very important role.
Based on the practicability of traffic light control system stability and performance, this design choice with 80 c51 as the core chip, with the input and output circuit, which can realize the intersection traffic can manually switch automatic control and emergency lights emergency treatment to the crossroads At the same time, this design set the automatic detection system to test the number of traffic and commuting peak period of period of time management, and special vehicles priority setting, in order to achieve the efficiency of traffic.
At the same time, this system USES dual power supply scheme, main is to prevent mains power loss or failure, the lights can still points to the traffic command, to avoid traffic chaos phenomenon. The principle of which is mainly using diode unidirectional conductivity of switch function to realize the dual power transient switching.
Key words traffic lights; 80C51 ; single-chip microcomputer; automatic checkout system; double