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dear colleagues:
i am head of the department of international finance in the school of economics at the tsinghua university, perhaps the most prestigious university in china, and i am writing to recommend mr. xxx, one of my favorite students, for acceptance into your master's program.
i got to know him personally last semester when he was taking the course of special topics on international finance that i was teaching. in the class, he showed great interest in economics. he studied conscientiou(转载自: 博 旭范文 网:留学推荐信经济学)sly and often talked with me after the class about the questions that he had come across in his readings. once when we talked about the country's ongoing restructuring of its tax system, he delved into the increasing cost of tax evasion. we then discussed several methods of calculating the cost. as we talked, i found that he was very skilled in expressing his ideas through diagrammatic curves and mathematics. recognizing that the government's attitudes to acts of tax evasion will affect not only people's behavior but also the cost of levying taxes, he saw possible solutions to the problem in the game theory. i encouraged him to pursue this idea. he said he didn't know much about the game theory and proceeded to borrow some essays by nash from me. he thus left me with a deep impression.
studying with conscientiousness, mr. x often came up with
creative ideas. unlike some other students, he studied not to just pass the exams but to really improve his knowledge and expertise. he stands out among his fellow classmates with an unmistakable thirst
for genuine understanding of the country's economic realities and problems. that has won him appreciation from not just me but my colleagues as well. but he did do well in exams too. in the final exam of last semester, he got a high score of 90 for my course.
he often talks with me about his ideal to become an econom