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文档介绍:SOMETHING MUST BE DONE: A NEW YEAR’S SERMON, PREACHED ON THE LAST DAY OF THE OLD YEAR, BY GARDINER SPRING, . PASTOR OF THE BRICK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, IN THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY DODGE & SAYRE, NO. 86 BROADWAY, CORNER OF WALL-STREET. J. SEYMOUR, PRINTER. 1816. SERMON, &c. 2 CHRONICLES XXIX, 16, 17. And the Priests went into the inner part of the house of the Lord to cleanse it, and brought out all the unclean- ness that they found in the temple of the Lord into the court of the house of the Lord. And the Levites took it, to carry it out abroad into the brook Kidron. Now they began on the first day of the first month to sanctify. Time, in its eagle-flight, has rapidly passed away, and brought us to the eve of another New Year. As from this interesting period, we look back upon the past and forward to the future, a multitude of thoughts naturally rush upon our minds, and we have been at a loss to know how to guide your me- ditations as the occasion demands. But there is one subject which may well supersede the consideration of every other : I mean the welfare of our Zion. We have been casting our eyes over her desolations; we have felt her affliction and reproach; and we e this evening to tell you, that something must be done for her deliverance and enlargement. The passage just recited may give a direction to our thoughts. When Hezekiah came to the throne of Ju- dah, he found religion in a low and languishing state. His father Ahaz was not only an idolatrous king, but notorious for his impiety. The torrent of vice, irreligi- on, and idolatry, had already swept away the ten tribes 4 of Israel, and threatened to destroy Judah and Benja- min. With this state of things, the heart of pious Hezekiah was deeply affected. He could not bear to see the holy temple debased, and t