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上传人:shishi 2021/7/19 文件大小:134 KB




文档介绍:剑桥雅思 5 听力原文
剑桥雅思 5 听力原文
RECEPTIONIST: Good afternoon, Dreamtime Travel. How can I help you?
CUSTOMER: Oh hello. I'm interested in the holidays you offer along
the coast near here.
RECEPTIONIST: Yes. We operate several tours up the coast. Where in
particular did you want to go?
CUSTOMER: Well, I like the sound of the holiday that mentioned whales.
Was it
'Whale Watching'?
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, that's our Whale Watch Experience. lt's very popular
and it's based in a lovely little town with nice beaches.
CUSTOMER: Oh right, and how long does it last?
RECEPTIONIST: It's two days - that includes four hours' travel time each way
from here.
CUSTOMER: Good, I don't want to be away any longer than that. So is that by
coach? RECEPTIONIST: Actually it's by minibus. We like to keep those tours
small and
personal so we don't take a whole coachload of people. in fact,
only take up to fifteen people on this tour,
although we do run it with just twelve or
CUSTOMER: Oh, right. So do you run these tours often?
RECEPTIONIST: Well it depends on the time of year. Of course in peak times
like the summer holidays we do them every weekend, but at the
moment it's usually once a month at most.
CUSTOMER: And when is the next one going?
RECEPTIONIST: Mmm, let me see. Um, there's one in three weeks' time which
is April the 18th, and then we don't have another one until
June the 2nd.
剑桥雅思 5 听力原文
CUSTOMER: All right, and is April a good time to go?
RECEPTIONIST: Pretty good. Though the really good time is later in the year. I


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