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上传人:wz_198613 2021/7/20 文件大小:548 KB




Sample writing 1
Dear Committee Members,
I wish to make a suggestion about a kind of art
to put into our new art gallery.
Our district is well-known for paper-cutting and the
people are very skilled at it. At the moment these people do
not have anywhere to display the variety and skill of their
craftsmanship. If the skill is lost, there may be no record of
it. The gallery would provide them with an opportunity to
preserve this skill. If you were to allow them to display their
expertise here, I believe we could make our district famous
and encourage more tourists to come here.
I hope you will consider my suggestion favorably.

Yours faithfully
Our district is well-known for paper-cutting and the people are
very skilled at it. ---1. skill of workers
At the moment these people do not have anywhere to display
the variety and skill of their craftsmanship.
---2. no other gallery
If the skill is lost, there may be no record of it.
---3. there may be no record
1 、2、3点强调建艺术馆的必要性
The gallery would provide them with an opportunity to
preserve this skill. ---4. preserve the skill
If you were to allow them to display their expertise here, I
believe we could make our district famous and encourage
more tourists to come here.---5. famous &more tourists
Sample writing 2
Dear Committee Members,
I wish to make a suggestion about the kind of artwork that should
go into our new gallery. As I have carefully researched the subject
and have had many discussions with residents in our district, I believe
my suggestion will be popular with most people.
I have discovered that we have many fine artists in our district. We
have many painters, both modern and traditional, some sculptors and a
few excellent pot