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随着计算机技术、网络技术、通信技术的发展,国民经济、国防军工、政府 部门的各个领域要保障计算机信息网络系统的安全、可靠运行,就离不开UPS不 间断电源,这已成为信息业界乃至各行各业的共识。
根据UPS不间断供电的原理,以提高UPS的可靠性为基本点,从UPS电源装 置的结构和形式来考虑其设计方案。整个UPS主电源装置由整流/充电器、逆变 器、静态旁路、维修旁路等部分组成。整流/充电器(包括蓄电池)为UPS提供在 线工作的能量输入;逆变器为UPS提供在线工作的高质量的稳压稳频的交流电输 出;静态旁路为UPS在整流/充电器或者逆变器故障情况下提供旁路工作电源, 逆变器供电和静态旁路供电之间可实现不间断供电切换;维修旁路为UPS定期检 修或故障维修时提供旁路电源。
UPS主要分为,UPS运行方式部分,开关电源部分和电压逆变部分,且每一 部分都有其典型的控制芯片组成。
论文中的UPS电路简单的体现了 UPS电源的基本功能,实现DC-AC的逆变过 程,最终实现频率50HZ的220V交流电压输出。
The design of Uninterruptible
Power System
Abstract: With the development of the computer technology, the network technology, communication technology, in all the fields of the national economy, national defense and war industry, government ministries, they must depend on UPS (Uninterruptible Power System) By the principle of UPS, this paper considers the design scheme from its structure and format for increasing its reliability. The main power device is made up of rectifier, charger, inverter, static bypass, maintenance bypass. Rectifier and charger (including storage battery) offer the energy input of UPS when it is online. Inverter offers the CVCF (Constant Voltage and Constant Frequency) AC output when UPS is online. Static bypass offers online bypass power supply when rectifier, charger, or inverter results in faults, and the switching between inverter and static bypass is not interruptible. Maintenance bypass offers bypass power supply when UPS needs repairing or Maintaining. Based on the development trend of higher frequency, modularization, digitalization, and greenness for power technology, this paper is relevant to the recent development of modem power electronics technology and information processing technology, and has studied the above middle capacity (Above 10KVA) online intelligent UPS, using microprocessor as core control.
I design mainly divided into the UPS, UPS operation part, switching power supply and voltage inverter part, and each part has its typical


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