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文档介绍:大学英语大学英语大学英语跨文化交际跨文化交际跨文化交际 Revision Revision Revision 黑龙江大学外语部 Objectives Objectives ? In this class, students will learn : ? Main terms. ? The theories or phenomena reflected in cases . Chapter 1 Culture Definitions: Culture is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. 文化是个人和群体在种族发展过程中所获得的知识、经验、信仰、价值观、行为、态度、阶级、宗教、时间观、角色、空间观、宇宙观和艺术品的集合。(P12/P29) Chapter 1 Culture Cultural Identity refers to one ’ s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. 文化身份:认为自己归属于某一文化或民族群体的感觉。(P19/29) Subculture exist within dominant cultures and are often based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race, or geographic region. 指存在于主流文化中的文化,其划分通常基于经济地位、社会阶层、民族、种族或地理区域. (P24/29) Chapter 1 Culture ? Subgroups usually do not involve the same large number of people and are not necessarily thought of as accumulating values and patterns of behavior over generations in the same way as culture do. 相对于亚文化和共文化群体,亚群体通常规模不大,也不一定有文化群体世代相传积累的价值观念和行为模式。(P25/30) Chapter 1 Culture ? Case 2 (P8) The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why. Chapter munication and munication Definitions: ? Sender/Source: A sender/source is the person who transmits a message. (信息发出者/信息源:信息发出者/信息源指传递信息的人。) (P37/P60) ? Message: A message is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver. (信息: 信息指引起信息接受者反应的任何信号。) ? Encoding: It refers to the activity during which the sender must choose certain words or nonverbal method


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