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上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/6/19 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:某城镇污水处理厂工艺设计 I 某城镇污水处理厂工艺设计摘要本次设计所处理的对象是某城镇的城镇污水。本次设计总水量为 45000m 3 /d; COD 〈 450mg/L ; BOD 5〈 290mg/L ; SS 〈 250mg/L ; PH=6~9 ; TN 〈45 mg/L ; TP 〈 mg/L ; NH 3 -N<30 。通过一定合适的工艺处理后达到城镇污水处理厂一级 A 排放标准,即 COD ≤ 50mg/L ; BOD 5≤ 10mg/L ; SS ≤ 10mg/L ; PH=6~9 ; TN ≤15 mg/L ; TP ≤ mg/L ; NH 3 -N≤5。通过查阅一定的参考资料,并在导师的精心指导下,决定采用氧化沟工艺作为本次设计的处理方案。在处理过程中,最终使之达标排放。确定工艺流程后,根据本设计处理规模 45000m 3 /d,再对各个水处理构筑物进行了选型及工艺参数的取值。论文中对整个废水处理工艺的选型作了详细的论述和说明;在设计计算说明书中对各个处理构筑物进行了必要的工艺计算。通过对本方案在处理效果和经济效果上的分析比较,可以得出该方案使可行的。设计成果包括毕业设计论文和设计计算说明书各一份,设计图纸 10张。关键词城镇污水;氧化沟工艺;脱氮除磷某城镇污水处理厂工艺设计 II Some cities sewage treatment plant project technological design Abstract The object of this design is domestic water. The total capacity of water is45000m 3 /d; chemical oxygen demand (COD)<450mg/L ; biological oxygen demand (BOD5) 〈 290mg/L ; suspend solid (SS) 〈 250mg/L ; PH=6~9 ; total nitrogen (TN) 〈45 mg/L ; total phosphate (TP) 〈 mg/L ; ammonia-nitrogen(NH3-N)< the way of some propel treatment ,then can achieve the discharge A standarad of domestic water : COD ≤ 50mg/L; BOD5 ≤ 10mg/L; SS ≤ 10mg/L; PH=6~9; TN ≤15 mg/L; TP ≤ ;ammonia-nitrogen(NH3-N) ≤ consulted many literature and with the help of my professor, then decided to adopt oxidation ditch process for my treatment plan. According to my treatment ,the effluent can achieve the standard .I chose the kind ofconstruc building and parameter of provision based on the determined treatment scale .I have detailed instruction of all the technology course ,and there ’s an essential technology calculate in the instruction . Compared with economic and the effect of treatment ,I can have the conclusion : my treatment technology is feasible . Our achievement contains the instruction of calculate and 10 piece of drawiong . Keywords domestic water ; oxidation ditch process ; rmoval of nitrogen and phosphorus 某城镇污水处理厂工艺设计 III 目录 1绪论.......................................................................................................................