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Why do you want to study MPA?
In the work, I feel a little lack of management ability. At the same time, it is also very interested in this area. In order to improve our public management theory and practice level ,so I want to study MPA. (在工作中,感觉自己在管理能力方面还有些欠缺。同时对于这
方面也很感兴趣,为了提高自己的公共管理理论和实际水平 ,所以
我想学 MPA。 )
What is MPA?
in my opinion, MPA is The study of the public affairs and the management process of the state, government and social public organizations。 The purpose of public management is to achieve public interest.( 在我看来, MPA 是对公共事务和国家政府和社会公共
组织管理过程的研究,公共管理的目的是实现公共利益。 )
What do you think is the key problem about public administration in our country?
First, How to improve the efficiency of the government and enhance the government's ability to govern.( 政府如何提高运行效率,增强 政府治理能力

Second, Decentralization of power and the transformation of
government functions.( 简政放权,和加快政府职能转变 )
Third, Deal with the relationship between the government and the society and reform the social management system.( 处理好政府和 社会关系,改革社会管理制度 )
what is the public sector?
The public sector is the manager of public affairs and the provider of public goods.( 公共部门是公共事务的管理者和公共物品的提供
what is the public goods?
Public goods refer to goods that can be shared for many people at the same time, and the cost of supplying them and the effect of enjoying them do not vary with the number of peo


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