文档介绍:: .
====Basic Operati on====
===Basic Operati on===
The nu mber keys[0]to[9]a nd decimal poi nt[DP]are used to en ter nu en ter a n egative nu mber,press[SGN]after en teri ng the nu mber.
To en ter an exp onen t,press[EXP]the n en ter the exp onent using the nu mber an d[SGN]keys.
The[DEL]key deletes the last digit en tered and can be used to correct a nu mber or exp onent.
The[CLR]key clears the display ready for a new calculati on.
The[SHIFT]key is used to access the sec on dary function of each key(displayed above the key in shift is active,'SHIFT'will be shown on the [SHIFT]agai n to can cel shift mode.
As an alter native to using shift,the sec on dary fun cti on of each key can also be accessed by hold ing dow n the feature can be disabled in Sett in gs.
====Display Modes====
===Display Modes===
There are four display modes for calculati on the[FSE]key to cycle through the modes. The display will show'FIX','SCI','ENG'or blank to indicate the current mode.
===Decimal Places===
To set the number of decimal places in FIX,SCI or ENG modes,press[SHIFT][TAB].This will bring up a dialog to select the number of places from0to9,together with the curre nt value roun ded to each. ===Normal mode===
The result is displayed as a no rmal float ing point value if possible .If its magn itude is less tha or greater tha n9999999999,then scie ntific n otation is used(see SCI mode nu mber of decimal places cannot be adjusted in this mode.
===FIX mode(Fixed decimal poin t===
The result is displayed after rounding to the nu mber of decimal places selected by[SHIFT][TAB].If there is not eno ugh room,the result may be displayed with fewer decimal places.
===SCI mode(Scientific notation===
The result is displayed in the format A x10ABA,with the man tissa(Aro un ded to the number of decimal places selected by[SHIFT][TAB].