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文档介绍:译林英语4年级下册 Unit 2
Story time
(1)【易错】 Let ' s and table tennis. ; plays ; plays ; play
(2)Let' s go swim. A. / B. play C. and
Let ' s go and . A. play the table tennis B. play table tennis C. play tabletennis
It ' )
(1) I an apple and she some ; have ; has ; have
(2)Wang Bing a Music lesson. A. has B. have C. haves
(3)We a football match today. A. has B. have C. haves
(4)Helen has a lesson this afternoon. A. swim B. swimming C. swims
(5)【易错】I have a lesson this morning.
(1)We don' t have lessons on Sundays. A. some B. any C. a
I have any lessons Tuesday. A . / ; on B. don' t ; in C. don' t ; on
(3)【易错】 We don' t have any.
I have some lessons on Saturday. 改为否定旬) I have lessons on Saturday.
a pity!
Cartoon time
(1)--When do you get up every day, --. A. At 5:00 B. 5:00 ' s 5:00
) I get up seven. A . in B. at C. on
We often go to sch001at seven o ' c(oC划线部分提问) do often go to school?

.-- Come and play table tennis Helen. --, I have an singing lesson now.
.【易错】 --Let ' s and ! ; swimming ; swim ; swim
.【易错】--We have an lesson this afternoon. -Great! I like to draw pictures.
A. English
.【易错】Can you a cake? Yes, I like things.
A . make; make B. make; making


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