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上传人:窝窝爱蛋蛋 2021/8/2 文件大小:20 KB




文档介绍:贝尔麻痹 Bell palsy
鼻唇囊肿 nasolabial cyst
鼻腭神经阻滞麻醉 block anesthesia of nasopalatine nerve
鼻根点 N. nasion
鼻肌 nasalis
边缘性龈炎 marginal gingivitis
表皮样囊肿 epidermoid cyst
牙髓炎 pulpitis
牙冠 crown
擦伤 abrasion wound
残髓炎 residual pulpitis
猖獗龋 rampant caries
陈旧性脱位 long-standing dislocation
牙周炎 periodontitis
成釉细胞瘤 ameloblastoma
唇弓 labial arch
刺伤 incised wound
挫伤 contused wound
错牙合畸形 malocclusion
多形性腺瘤 pleomorphic adenoma
额肌 frontalis
腭大/前孔 greater/anterior palatine foramen
二腹肌 digastricus
阿弗他溃疡 aphthous ulcer
复合痣 compound nevus
干槽症 dry socket
根管填充 root canal obturation
根尖周囊肿 radicular cyst
骨化性纤维瘤 ossifying fibroma
固有口腔 proper cavity of mouth
关节囊 caosule
关节盘 disc
关节窝 glenoid fossa
含***涑口液 fluoride mouth rinse
含牙囊肿 dentigerous cyst
颌面部间隙感染 fascial space infection of maxillofacial region
恒牙期 permanent dentition
滑膜炎 synovitis
化脓性颌骨骨髓炎 pyogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws
溃疡性牙周炎 ulcerative periodontitis
龈口炎 gingivostomatitis
化脓性根尖周炎 suppurative apical periodontitis
腮腺炎 parotitis
急性前脱位 acute dislocation
颊癌 buccal carcinoma
颊肌 buccinators
盖髓术 pulp capping
交接痣 junctional nevus
疖 furuncle
颏肌 mentalis
颏舌骨肌 geniohyoideus
髁突 condyle
口底 floor of the mouth
口轮匝肌 orbicularis oris
口腔白斑病 oral leukoplakia
口腔扁平苔藓 oral lichen planus, OLP
口腔念珠菌病 oral candidosis
口腔前庭 vestibule of mouth
口腔上颌窦交通 oroantral communications
眼眶 orbit
淋病 gonorrhea
梅毒 syphilis
面神经麻痹 faci