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文档介绍:英语语言学试题( 2 )
2 分,共 20 分 )

.The pair of words
gradable opposites
C. co-hyponyms
anldend“”borrowar”e ___.( )
relational opposites D. synonyms
.The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British
scholar .( )
B. Rasmus Rask
A. Jacob Grimm
C. Franz Bopp
D. Sir William Jones
.A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __.( )
A. unusual B. something to be feared
C. abnormal D. natural
.__produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense, often as unintelligible.( )
A. Broca's aphasic B. The linguistic deprivation
C. The damage on the angular gyrus D. Wernicke's aphasic
Southern learners of English in China tend to say “ night ”as “ light ”. This shows: .( )
They cannot pronounce/n/
Interlangue interference because there is not the sound /n/in their mother tongue
The teachers do not have a good teaching method
They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds
.A word with several meanings is called __word.( )
A. a polysemous B. a synonymous C. an abnormal D. a multiple
.The function of the sentence “ A nice daisy,('t it? ) ”
A. informative B. phatic C. directive D. performative
.The most recognizable differ