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摘 要:网络是信息化的基础,网络设施的完善和网络技术的进步,对信息网络化起到积极的推动作用。通常,计算机网络的传输介质主要依赖铜缆或光缆,由此构成有线局域网(LAN),这一组网模式一直沿用至今。随着Internet应用的迅猛发展,以及笔记本电脑、个人数据助理(PDA)等移动智能终端的日益增长,人们对无线局域网(WLAN)的需求也急剧增加。WLAN利用电磁波在空气中发送和接受数据,而无需线缆介质,其数据传输率通常能达到11Mbps。WLAN在很多应用领域具有独特的优势,可提供随时随地、自由高速接入Internet,让广大用户享受到更多便利、安全的网络服务。近年来,全球范围内无线局域网的数量急剧增加,成为网 络发展的必然趋势。
关键词:IEEE ,无线接入点,网络拓扑结构,有线等效保密协议,虚拟专用网络,定位服务
Study of Wireless Local Area Network Status
Obstract:Network is the basis of informatization,The bettering of the network facilities and network technology play an active role in promoting informationg-based. Generally, the transmission medium of the computer network relies mainly on copper or fiber optic cable, which constitute a wired local area network (LAN), and the network model are still in use. With the rapid development of Internet applications, as well as the growing mobile intelligent terminals such as laptop computers, personal data assistant (PDA) and so on, one for wireless LAN (WLAN) is also a sharp increase in demand. WLAN takes advantage of electromagnetic waves in the air to send and receive data without the need for cable medium, the data transfer rate can usually reach to 11Mbps. WLAN has a unique advantiages in many applications area that can provide anytime, anywhere, free high-speed access to Internet, allowing users to enjoy more convenience, security of network services. In recent years, the increasing dramatically of the global number of wireless local area network become an inevitable trend of network development.
In the paper, it is mainly on the status of wireless LAN for the study object.. First of all, the course of development of wireless local area network is divided into four age had a brief it is involved in each technical standards WLAN,


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