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永通浆砌石护坡施工方案959588808(Wintong masonry revetment construction scheme 959588808).doc

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永通浆砌石护坡施工方案959588808(Wintong masonry revetment construction scheme 959588808).doc

上传人:allap 2021/8/3 文件大小:43 KB


永通浆砌石护坡施工方案959588808(Wintong masonry revetment construction scheme 959588808).doc


文档介绍:永通浆砌石护坡施工方案_secret959588808〔Wintong masonry revetment construction scheme _secret959588808〕
Wintong masonry revetment construction scheme of stay there! Wait till I run! The rain fine woman you slowly sweep houses I for you to sweep the world you heard my marriage is now very cheap, 9 dollars to fix the Civil Affairs Bureau, I ask you, you idiot. This happen to stand behind me! Follow me. One day your name will appear on my home account. Wintong masonry revetment construction scheme of every girl was once an angel without tears, when you love the boy, he will cry one by one, then falls into the earth into a girl, so, the boy must not abandon the girl, because the girl is you give up the whole heaven. Friends, don't cry, tonight I like Epiphyllum blooming in the most beautiful moments fade, your tears can not restore my withered ~ by GDXZTZ contribution
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Nanchong City Ying Hua Shunqing District Industrial Park District Yongtong estate project slope protection masonry revetment area slope masonry revetment
Construction scheme
Preparation: preparation: review: review: validation:
General situation of the project: 1. General situation of the project;
The steep slope of the mountain is affected by blasting mining, geological structure and unloading. The slope is equipped with anti reflection bag and embedded with 50PVC drainage pipe at 2 meters apart
Two, the basis for program preparation
"Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering" (GB50021-2001) "code for design of building foundation" (GB5007-2002) "bolting and shotcreting support technology standard" (GBJ86-85) "technical code for building slope engineering" (GB50330-2002) "investigation design and construction of geotechnical engineering" (Geological Publishing House)
Three, the process