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甜蜜爱情的禁忌(Sweet love taboo) 3000字.doc

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甜蜜爱情的禁忌(Sweet love taboo) 3000字.doc

上传人:学习好资料 2021/8/3 文件大小:15 KB


甜蜜爱情的禁忌(Sweet love taboo) 3000字.doc


文档介绍:甜蜜爱情的禁忌(Sweet love taboo)_3000字
it’s not easy to have a great relationship with your boy/girlfriend, partner, or spouse. but it’s not impossible, either — it takes some work, of course, but it’s work, work that’s a joy when everything comes together.
a lot of times, though, the work isn’t enough. we get in our own way with ideas and attitudes about relationships that are not only wrong, but often work to undermine our relationships no matter how hard we work at it.
i’ve watched a lot of breakups (some of them my own). i’ve seen dramatic flare-ups and drawn-out slow fades, and i’ve tried to pay attention to what seems to be going on. here are a few of the things i’ve seen that cause people to destroy their own relationships.
1. you’re playing to win
one of the deadliest killers of relationships is the competitive urge. i don’t mean competition in the sense that you can’t stand to lose at tennis, i mean the attitude that the relationship itself is a kind of game that you’re tying to win. people in competitive relationships are always looking for an advantage, the upper hand, some edge they can hold over their partner’s head. if you feel that there are things you can’t tell your partner because she or he will use it against you, you’re in a competitive relationship — but not for long.
2. you don’t trust
there are two aspects of trust that are important in relationships. one is trusting your partner enough to know that s/he won’t cheat on you or otherwise hurt you — and to know that he or she trusts you that way, too. the other is trusting them enough to know they won’t leave you or stop loving you no matter what you do or say. the second that level of trust is gone, whether because one of you takes advantage of that trust and does something horrible or because one of you thinks the other has, th