文档介绍:Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese英汉对比研究
Liu Liyan
School of Translation and Interpretation
Liu Liyan from HQFLI
1. Synthetic vs. Analytic
III. Hypotactic vs. Paratactic
IV. Complex vs. Simplex
II. Compact vs. Diffusive
V. Impersonal vs. Personal
上篇 英汉语言文化 Language & Culture: English vs Chinese
Introduction: Language and Culture 语言与文化
上篇 英汉语言文化 Language & Culture: English vs Chinese
VII. Stative vs. Dynamic
IV. Indirect vs. Direct
VI. Passive vs. Active
X. Substitutive vs. Reiterative
VIII. Abstract vs. Concrete
Summary: Modes of Expressions: English vs. Chinese
Course Requirement
Attendance is a must, each absence results in 2 percent off (of the final scores of the course).
Group presentation is required, and it will be conducted by each group in turn through the whole course. Any absence of this activity leads to poor performance of the course.
Class presentation, discussion and homework are all required programs.
Quizzes, projects and examinations are all related to the attainment of the course.
For a such a theoretical course, autonomous learning and critical thinking are crucial for the preparation of your thesis writing and further study in future.
Assessment of the Course
Attendance accounts for 10%
(each absence results in 2 points off)
Quiz 1 (after Chapter 5 in Week 7) 20%
Quiz 2 (after Chapter 10 in Week 13) 20%
Group chapter presentation 10%
Project group presentation 10%
Final exam 30%
上篇 英汉语言文化 Language & Culture
Introduction: Language and Culture
Feature of the Course: Theoretically contrastive study
between English and Chinese.
Objectives of the Course: (Para. 1, Line 1-4)
Brief History of Contrastive Study between Source
and Target Language in terms of Translation Theory
(in line with the development of linguistic theory)
1) In foreign Language context—micro linguistic