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文档介绍:2017年1月14日托福机经预测:独立写作考前练****br/> >>>免费试听:【四科联报】托福听说读写临考预测班(针对2月考)
  2017年1月14日托福独立写作考前练****br/> 1. Students should spend a year to travel or to work before they go to college.
2. Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if schools start a day at an early time. But others think the school starts the day at late time. Which one do you prefer?
3. Children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smart phones, video games for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for children's development.
4. The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.
5. Workers would be happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.
6. The best leader should spend more time listening to other people's ideas than talk his own ideas.
7. Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships.
8. It is important to know what is happening around the world, even if it does not affect your personal lives.
9. Only movies that can teach us something about real life is worth watching
10. It is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a new coutnry because you will lose old friends.
11. Scientists have been working to make technology easier and more human friendly. How do you think has technol