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文档介绍:郑州大学毕业设计(论文) 题目减速器的快速设计院系机械工程学院专业机械工程及自动化年级学生姓名指导教师 2011 年5月 27日摘要随着市场经济的快速发展,只是成为生产要素中最活跃的部分。随之兴起的只是重用技术已经成为提高产品开发速度,快速影响市场需求,实现资源利用最大化的重要手段。减速器作为机电产品的重要组成之一, 传统的减速器的设计通常采用单机设计模式, 设计周期长, 设计效率低, 在市场竞争中明显处于劣势, 而且在以往的设计中, 都是针对某种特定型号进行研究, 其适用面比较窄。为了弥补这种设计方法的不足, 进而提高产品的市场竞争能力, 我们引入快速设计方法, 重点研究内容有以下几点: (1) 根据减速器的设计流程和方法,确定减速器快速设计系统的功能和总体结构。(2) 研究基于知识的设计方法, 分析减速器设计知识的内容、分类及特点, 并据此提出一种混合知识表示模式,即采用面向对象的知识表示方法为框架,将数据库表示法、生产式规则表示法、过程表示法等方法按照面向对象的原则组织起来,以实现减速器设计知识的表示, 并做研究。(3) 提出基于关系数据库的知识库建立方法, 将设计知识归纳储存, 建立实例库和规则库。(4) 以 inventor 为平台进行参数化建模并做简单的有限元分析。关键词: 快速设计, 减速器, 参数化, inventor , 有限元分析 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of the market economy, knowledge is ing the most active and important part of the essential ingredient of productivity. Following with it, knowledge reuse has e an important means to enhance the speed of product exploit ation , respond to the requirement of market fleetly and make maximum use of the resource. Reducer as one of the ponents of mechanical and electrical products, the traditional reducer design usually adopts a single design pattern, the design cycle is long and the efficiency is low, competition in the market is in inferior position apparently, in the past, the study is specific for a particular type, the applicable range is relatively narrow. In order pensate for this design method, improving the petition ability of the product, we introduce a method of rapid design, key research items are as follows: (1) According to reducer design theory and method, the functions and overall structure of reducer quick design system has been determined. (2) The research of design means based on knowledge has been carried out. By analyzing the characteristics of reducer design knowledge, this paper selects a kind of mixed representation, which uses object-oriented representation as frame and synthesize database representation rule representation and process representation. (3) This paper researches how to build the knowledge base in the relational database. T