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ever-increasing pollution around our campus. because of the poor environment, many students have fallen ill. many more lose interest in their study and after class factories contribute to the serious situation. firstly, the chemistry factory next to our campus emits disgusting smell, getting our students sick. to make matter worse, the food stands outside the campus produces waste, such as, plastic bags, disposable chopsticks. left-over food on the ground.
i do think it is high time that our local government took some prompt and effective measures to stop the pollution. new technology should be introduced to the chemistry factory to help make the air clear. new regulations should be made to manage the food stand to avoid damaging the city.
thanks for your time and effort for a cleaner environment for us.
yours truly,
jia ping
4 food security
nowadays people are getting more concerned about food security because of the disclosure of many serious food insecurity cases and group poisoning. food security has become an urgent problem that no one can afford to ignore.
there are several reasons accounting for this problem. first, a lack of responsibility and a thirst for illegal gains drive many food manufacturers to disregard the quality of food. second, food administration agencies are not effective in their monitoring of food industry. still worse, the awareness of food security is badly in need of being enhanced.
as far as i’m concerned, i suggest prompt and effective measures be taken to tackle this problem. for one thing, our government should spare no efforts in the administration of food industry, as well as educating the public the awareness of food security. for another, stricter laws should be enforced to guarantee food quality. only in this way can consumers f