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"Patriotism is always to support your country, while government support worth your time to support the government." - Mark Twain
"It reflects a nation depends not only care what people see is that it also awarded the honor, as well as people remember it." - John F · Kennedy
"My only regret is that I only have one life to lose for my country." - Nathan Hale
"There is a number of patriotism, a noble loyalty, but also moral madman." - WR Inge
"If you are ashamed of your color, you're best to look for a flag." - Anonymous
"Nationalism is a pediatric disease, the measles of mankind." - Albert Einstein
"If our motherland is worth their sacrifices during the war years, then empathy in times of peace also for a good living." - Hamilton Fish
"To be a good patriot, he must become the enemy of his people of the country, cup with ah!" - Voltaire
"The traditional nuclear fission patriotism can not survive, or a world, or all the destruction." - Stuart chase
"We know where they are; they are not in Tikrit and Baghdad, near the patch of north east south west regional why." - Donald Rumsfeld
"I certainly do not agree with the future less predictable than in the past, I think in the past at the time when things are unpredictable." - Donald Rumsfeld
"When you lose has never been free, you will find is in a free as it should be." - Dick Chen


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