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文档介绍:Hairdressing/Beauty salon Front desk 前台 How much is it for a haircut? 剪发多少钱呢? Do you do student discounts? 学生可以打折吗? How much is it for students? 学生得付多少钱? Do you have a student card? 你有学生卡吗? Do you do senior discounts? 老人有优惠吗 Only if you have ID 你得提出身份证明 Is there any discount if it is done bya trainee? 要是一个见习生剪我发, 可以打折吗? 如果你不要花太多钱,我很推荐你把握见习生的打折,因为内行人总是被实验者监督 Yes, the haircut is free 是免费的 It is half price 是打对折的 Sorry, we don ’t have any trainees at the moment? 我们现在没有见习生 How much would it be for an appointment with the lead stylist 和最好的发型师预约需要多少钱? Do I need to book an appointment? 我得约定吗? I don ’t mind waiting 我可以等 How long do you think I’ ll have to wait? 我得等多久? Length 头发长度 How short do you want it? 你要剪发多短呢 How long shall I leave the sides? 你要剪侧发多短呢 How short do you want the fringe? 你要剪刘海多短呢 I want it number five on the top and grade two at the sides 从头顶开始剪十五毫米, 两边留六毫米每个 grade/number=3 毫米 Number one 剃至 3 毫米长 Grade one 剃至 3 毫米长 Number two 剃至 6 毫米长 Grade two 剃至 6 毫米长 Number three 剃至 9 毫米长 Grade four 剃至 12 毫米长 Can you shave it all off? 请剃光啊! Crown 头顶区 Front 后脑区 Nape 后经区 Back 后脑区 Side 前额区 Getting a cut 剪发 I just want a trim 修修就可以! How would you like me to cut it? 你喜欢怎么剪呢? I don ’t know, what do you think will suit me? 我不知道,什么发型适合我? Well, to start with, do you want it long or short? 你喜欢长发还是短发? Have a look at this book, which style do you like? 看一看这本书,你喜欢什么发型? I like that one 我要你[剪] 这个 I want it slightly wavy, but with a choppy fringe 我想要微卷的头发加偏分的刘海。 Short shag 粗毛 Bob 波波头 Pageboy I want a buzzcut bob Cropped hair/a crop 很短发 Long hair, with a heavy wave and straight fringe 大波浪长卷发加齐刘海 Long hair, with a centre parting and curls at the bottom Very curly long hair 大波浪长卷发 I usually tie it up ina pony tail 我通常扎马尾辫 Ponytail 马尾辫 A layered, wavy bob 薄剪波波头卷法 Central parting 中分发 I want it long and straight and parted in the middle 我想要中分长直发薄剪法 Layering Bangs( 美/ 加) 刘海 Fringe (英/ 澳) 刘海 Straight fringe 直刘海 Choppy fringe 偏分刘海 I want a choppy fringe 我想要偏分的刘海 Blunt fringe 齐刘海 Sideswept fringe
