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文档介绍:?首先是理解原文,摆脱原文的形式约束,进入到语义的深层次,判断分析各种内在的实质是隐含的逻辑关系。?然后再回到汉语的表层形式上来。在组织汉语的过程中,我们可以遵从下面的一些原则。 ?汉语在叙述一系列事件时,一般遵从“先发生的先说, 后发生的后说”的原则。? We had been dismayed at home while reading of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959. ?(句子依照反时间顺序;先议后叙) ?试比较: ?我们在 1959 年离开了中国,此后,中国连续三年遭到自然灾害。我们在国内读到这方面的消息,心情颇为低沉。?(句子依照自然的时间顺序展开,先叙后议) ? The lightly regarded Swede, ① in ing the first native-born Scandinavian ever to win the title, ② floored Patterson seven times ③ before the referee halted the fight in the third round. ?③在第三个回合里裁判员叫停之前, ②这位不太被人看得起的瑞典人七次将帕特森打倒在地。①于是他成了第一个获得此项冠军的斯堪的纳维亚人。(刘振江, “翻译与语言深层结构的划分”)?汉语在表述空间关系时,一般按照由近及远,由此及彼,由大及小的顺序,少数时候也遵从由远及近,由彼及此,由小及大。比如: ? The deserted mining villages, protruding pitheads overgrown with tall grass and rusting refineries behind crumbling walls situated in valleys, were surrounded by thick wooded mountain slopes, hot springs gushing out here and there. ?按照从村里向村外的视角方向,译文可以组织为: ?这些荒芜的矿村位于山谷之中,突兀的矿井口上长着深深的野草,破败的屋墙后是锈迹斑斑的冶炼设备。山谷周围群山环抱,山上树林密布,温热的泉水随处涌出。?形合转换为意合 ?汉语在叙述层次含孕的关系时,一般按照由总及分的顺序,少数时候也遵从由分及总。比如: ? His period in office was marked by a steep rise in Iran ’ s oil revenues and the beginning of a social- political crisis brought on by wide-scale misuse of the 22 billion a year earnings from oil. ?他执政期间,有两个突出的事件:一是伊朗的石油收入迅猛上升,二是大规模地滥用每年二百二十亿美元的石油收益而引发的社会政治危机。? Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quantity of the natural product can not meet our ever-increasing requirement, or more often, because the physical properties of the synthetic substance, which is the common name for man-made materials, have been chosen, and even emphasized, so that it would be of the greatest use in the fields in which it is to be applied. ?本句的逻辑关系是,先呈现观点“ Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials ”, 然后再分述两条原因,而第二条原因中又包含着复杂的语法结构。汉语中我们可以按照“由总及分”的顺序简明地阐述为: ? Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural m