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上传人:raojun00001 2021/8/9 文件大小:26 KB




My friend, he can be brave. He dare to grasp the praying mantis, not afraid of dirty. He has the advantage of love. He loves to do little affectations disadvantage is that the class. I tell you, he ah, favorite catch worms. Now you know who he is, it is Yang Yang, have to watch carefully!
Yang Yang and I are best friends. Once he and I, in the school found a cricket in the bamboo forest, we are extremely excited, lunges and caught soon. From then on, I want to find the locusts or cricket ll tell Yang Yang, as Yang Yang insect technology is very good. If there is no Yang Yang, I will go to catch, catch I give Yang Yang.
This is my friend.
I recently made a new friend, his name xxx. The friend, I had a meal with him before, on a winter vacation! I will call him kangkang!
As if by predestination we all know this sentence! It s not, let I met him again this summer! He taught me a lot of in this summer vacation, also let me understand a lot of.
He taught a bad thing, taught me to play a big game! Called crazy racing car. The game is actually quite good play, but cannot play more, could be addictive! He also taught me a few small games.
He taught me not to eat delicious on the table a lot. Still not bored at h


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