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Fill in the blank in each sentence with the appropriate form of the given words or phrases: (10%)
dispose of be subject to devoid of exert fortify
fresh from subversion engulf convert at odds
Security experts agree that certain documents should be shredded before
managerial departments them.
The sudden of the parliamentary candidate to anti-nuclear movement has invoked deep suspicions among his voters.
With the government's help, the of the coastal area was accomplished before spring set in.
Unfortunately, the small village was in the floods overnight.
How successful they will the speed with which the product can
be distributed to the shops.
The child seems to be quite any sense of right or wrong. Not surprising really when you think what his parents are like.
The investigation of the presidential scandal may likely the new
Modem liberalism is fundamentally with democratic government because it demands results that ordinary people would not freely choose.
The to raise agricultural productivity should involve reforming incentives in agriculture, allowing markets to function efficiently, and promoting institutional arrangements conducive to long-term growth and rural development.
He exposes greatly energy to his work,his three-month holiday.
Paraphrase the following sentences, especially paying attention to the underlined part. (20% )
NASA weighted exploration now against the chances for disaster and opted to take the risk. (Jenny Clanton)
Allow him to walk into the House with mailbag after mailbag of letters in opposition to NASA's unbridled desire to go to Jupiter. (Jenny Clanton)
will unsay no words that I have spoken about it. (Winston Churchill)
...with God's help we have rid the earth of his shadow and liberate its people from his yoke. (Winston Churchill)
But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. (John F. Kennedy}
... remembering on both sides that civility is not