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文档介绍:因此,教师话语是权势语言;课堂教学的紧迫性和时效性要求教师最大限度的遵守合作原则并借助于直接型的言语行为;亲密的师生关系带来很小的语用距离, 特殊的语用距离决定了教师话语的礼貌特殊性。本章最后部分进一步探讨了合作原则与礼貌原则的关系,并得出结论:合作原则与礼貌原则处于进退相让的平衡状态。)}-L"/ 第四章运用话语分析的方法集中探讨了课堂互动中的教师话语。首先,通过卜匕照日常生活中的人际互动特点及话轮结构,研究,币生互动中的教筛话轮的结构及其功能。其次,论证了师生互动中的教师提问与教师改错的言语手段及其功能, 指出:教师提问时要增加开放性问题从而提高课堂互动的交际性;教师改错要借助延迟策略从而满足学生的面子需求。), 第五章为课堂互动中教师话语的实用言语策略。包括:减少教师话语的输入时间;选择教师话语输入的时机;改善教师话语输入的单调性。第六章作为全文的结论,引发出对OYT话语的进一步思铆括以下几点:(,’教师话语与其语境要保持顺应性;(2)言语行为的礼貌性是相对的;(3)师生互动要增加交际性;<4)运用功能性视角研究教师话语具有可行性;(5)在传统的研究方法的基础上,拓宽研究教师话语的视野关键词f教师话语话语分析语境合作原则为交际性语用未/一礼貌原则课堂互动控制性言语行 Abstract Teacher Talk(TT for short) refers to the speech that the teacher uses to speak to students when the teacher undertakes the task in foreign language teaching. TT can be primarily divided into two types: content language(CL for short) and medium language(ML for short). CL refers to the language of the teaching tasks as prescribed in textbooks. ML consists of explanatory medium language(EML for short) and co-ordinative medium language(CLM for short). EML refers to the language the teacher uses to perform such teaching tasks as paraphrasing words or sentences or illustrating grammar rules. CLM stretches to speeches used by the teacher for greetings, comments, task switching, discipline regulation, etc. What merits my attention in this paper is ML. TT as the essential medium in language teaching is firstly studied in the field of Teaching Methodology. Different teaching approaches can bring about different styles of TT, and different TT applies different teaching approaches to teaching activities However, limiting the analysis of TT in the field of Teaching Methodology may narrow the research space of TT and can be fairly disadvantageous in language teaching. This paper adopts an opening view-the perspective of discourse analysis to analyze linguistic