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大学英语推荐信范文 mba推荐信范文.doc

上传人:WonderW 2021/8/17 文件大小:31 KB


大学英语推荐信范文 mba推荐信范文.doc


大学英语推荐信范文 mba推荐信范文
To whom it may concern:
As Ms.
____________’s Mathematics teacher, I write this letter in support of her application to your university with delight and enthusiasm.
____________, one of my favorite students in my 20 years’ teaching career, has the energy and preservation to persist in her goal.
And she will undoubtedly fulfill her dream, with the help you offer on her road growing up.
I first got to know ____________
in my Math class.

She listened carefully with whole attention and did her assignments perfectly with her great mathematics sensibility.
I remembered it was the time when I first introduced Analytic Geometry to the class, which is undeniably a big challenge for most 11th graders, but ____________, who was in Grade 10 at that time, did an amazing job.
Once, I intentionally assigned a problem related to midpoint chord, which I hadn’t covered in my lesson, but ____________
handed in an e____cellent assignment with detailed analyses in every step during the process.
She was the only student who got the answer correct, and since that time, I have bore in mind that she is granted a strong sense in Math.
However, her intelligence is not the only thing that contributes to her achievements.
No matter how busy she was with all sorts of e____tracurricular activities, ____________

had never got out of the top five in my Math class.
Being asked to share her learning method with the rest of the class last semester, she said that two important things in her code were listening carefully in class and solving every problem she had, however tough.
She is a brilliant girl with her own efficient learning strategy that can always help her out.
Although being outstanding in class, ____________
is also a good girl to befriend with.
Her outgoing personality, friendly smile, the urge to improvement and effective action


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