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中考英语复习题 17.doc

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中考英语复习题 17.doc



(2010?广西省桂林市,32, 1) Li Yan is my best friend. She comes
a small village.
C. of
D. from
A. on B. with
(2010?湖北省襄樊市,28, 1) —We,re all here Lily .
Where' s she ?
一 She' s gone to the library .
A. beside
B. besides C. except D. of
1) Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in
April 29 to work for the World Expo.
A. on
B. at
C. of
D. to
(2010?广西省定西市,4,1)( ) China lies the east of Asia.
A. in B. on C. To D. of
(2010 福建三明 21. 1)一How beautiful the Christmas card is!
一Yes, it' s my cousin. I received it this morning.
A. from B. to C. for
2010?福建省晋江市,33, 1) - Peter, can you tell me the
differences the four words?
一Sorry, I don' t know.
A. between B. among C. for
(2010 四川省成都市 37. 1) 一Frank, when will the short meeting begin?
一You should come 2:30 . If you come 10 minutes
that time , the meeting will be over.
A. at:before B. at:after C. after;before
(2010?湖北省黄冈市,35, 1) 一I joined the League
May, 2008 . What about you?
一I' ve been a League member three years.
A. in:for B. on;in C. on;for D. in;since
(2010 .河北省卷,26. 1) Cindy is amazing singer. She has
lots of fans.
A. a B. an C. the 【答案】B
(2010 湖南省娄底市 ) 一Why do you like Mary? 一Because she is honest girl.
A. a B. an C. the
( 21. 1) Jenny is American. She works in
company in C