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文档介绍:1 《亘古天籁》中英文对照稿《亘古天籁》 T he Long Standing Sound of Nature 贵州黎平·中国侗族大歌 Dong Ethnic Grand Song of Liping, Guizhou, China 引语 Quoted Passage 一个没有自己文字的古老民族, 她以歌叙事、以歌传情、以歌养心、以歌教化, 在九州大地黔岭山区演绎着一部神奇的音乐史诗----- 天籁之音的侗族大歌。她以无伴奏、无指挥的多声部复调音律震撼环宇, 成为人类极为珍贵的文化遗产。 A long-history ethnic group who live among the mountains of Guizhou plateau without their own written language. They narrate their history, express amorous feeling, soothe their spirits and educate their members with songs. T hey have created Grand Song what is like a magic music epic and famed the world as the sound of nature. T he Grand Song, the multi-vocal-parts melody without instrument paniment and conduction, has shocked millions of people from countries all over the world, and has been placed on the list of cultural heritage s of human being. 第一节侗族 Chapter 1 Dong Ethnic Minority 《蝉之歌》歌词大意: T he gist of‘ the song of cicadas ’静静听我模仿蝉儿鸣, 还望大家来和声。我的声音虽然不比蝉的声音好, 生活却让我充满***。歌唱我们的青春, 歌唱我们的爱情。 Listen to my singing imitating cicadas ’ sounds A lso hope you all sing in harmony with me My sound is not as perfect as the cicadas ’ B utI am filled with enthusiasm L et’s sing in praise of our youth A nd sing in praise of our love 2 在中国,侗族是 56 个民族当中的一朵奇芭, 他们把自己称为“干”、“更”或者“金”, 属于古“骆越”族的一支。侗族古歌《祖宗入村》里也唱道: “我们都是越王的子孙, 没有贵贱之分”。这支古老的民族分布于黔、湘、桂毗邻地区和鄂西一带, 人口约 290 余万, 贵州黎平, 是中国最典型的侗乡, 位于贵州省东南边缘,地处湘、黔、桂三省(区)交界处, 是中国侗族聚居最多的县, 被誉为中国的侗疆腹地。 Dong is one of the 56 ethnic groups of China. They name themselves ‘ Gaml ’,‘ Gaeml ’ or‘ Jaeml ’. Their ancestors were a Luoyue branch. It was celebrated in the ancient song ‘ the ancestors entering our village ’:‘We are descendants of the Yue King , have never been distinguished between noble and humble. ’ This age-old ethnic group dwells on the Hunan-Guizhou-Guangxi borders and west Hubei Province , with a population of more than million . Liping of Guizhou Province owns most typical Dong ethnic villages, is situated at the joint of Hunan, Guangxi and Guizhou province, is the county in which there live


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