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Listening Test
Listen to the five short dialogues twice, then choose the best answers. (5 marks)
Why can't the woman keep up with her classmates?
Because she could have played more.
Because she doesn't study carefully.
Because she doesn't study hard enough.
What is Mr. Brown?
A. A boss.
A waiter.
A teacher.
When will the light be shut off?
C. At 9:45.
At 10:15. B. At 10:30.
What does the man want to do with the coins?
To lend them to the woman.
To make a phone call.
To use them for bus fare (车费).
In which city did the woman and John stay the longest?
A. Paris.
B. Rome.
C. Vienna.
Listen to the following materials twice, then answer the questions. (15 marks) Answer the questions 6-8 according to the 6th material.
What will the man do next morning?
Meet Mr. Cooper. B. Visit the Nation Lab. C. Meet Bill Lyons.
How will the man spend his Saturday?
He will do some paper work.
He will take some rest.
He will meet some visitors.
What do we know about the woman?
She is the man's wife.
She is a business manager.
C ・ She is a company secretary.
Answer the questions 9-11 according to the 7th material.
What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
Salesperson and customer. B. Old school friends. C. Fellow workers.
What do we know about the woman?
She is fond of her work.
She is tired of traveling.
She is inte


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