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上传人:陈潇睡不醒 2021/8/19 文件大小:1.56 MB





文档介绍:A Novel Mechanism for Stereo Active Vision
Harley Truong†, Samer Abdallah†‡, Sebastien Rougeaux‡ and Alexander Zelinsky‡

Department of Engineering ‡Robotic Systems Laboratory
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering
The Australian National University The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200, Australia Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
This paper deals with the mechanical aspects of
robot vision and focuses on the design and imple-
mentation of a high-performance system. The sys-
tem is called CeDAR (Cable Drive Active vision
Robot). As part of the research at the Robotic Sys-
tems Laboratory (RSL) to develop real-world vi-
sion systems, CeDAR is designed for speed and
accuracy through its novel use of cables in zero-
backlash transmissions and a parallel mechanical
architecture. By optimising the design for agility,
the system is able to a carry a large payload (700g)
while achieving its performance specification of
five 90° saccades per second with an angular re- Figure 1: CAD model of a cable-driven active hea


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