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上传人:陈潇睡不醒 2021/8/19 文件大小:1.13 MB




2--I don't think I can...我觉得我快不行了
3--Hey, guys, just start without 你们先行一步
4--I'll catch
5--Sweet. 舒坦
6--Inner peace. Inner 方能心如止水
8--Ah-choo! 阿嚏
9--Finally, inner
10--Now, what? 又怎么了
11--Kai, old friend. 天煞 老朋友
12--Master Oogway. 乌龟大师
13--Our battle ended 500 years ago. 你我之争早在五百年前就结束了
14--Well, now I'm ready for a rematch. 可我已经准备好再比一场了
15--Took you long enough. Ha ha ha ha...你准备得可真够久的 哈哈哈
16--Yaaa! 呀啊
17--You've grown
18--500 years in the Spirit Realm, you pick up a thing or two. 五百年灵界的修炼 不是白练的
19--I have taken the Chi of every Master here. 我已经夺走了灵界每个大师的气
20--- No! - Yes.- 不 - 是的
21--And soon I will have your power
22--When will you realize, the more you take, the less you 索取越多 收
23--With your Chi, I will finally be able to return to the mortal world,有了你的气 我终于又可以
24--And this time, you won't be there to stop 你阻止不了我了
25--Ah, it was never my destiny to stop 阻止你从来都不是我的使命
26--I have set another on that
27--Then I will find him, and take his Chi 然后把他的气也夺走
28--Justice, is about to be
29--We'll have two justice platters , please 给我们来两份正义套餐 谢谢
30--- umm...three - Three. - And a few tofu buns.- 呃 三份 - 三份 - 再要几个豆腐花
31--Oh, the spicy noodle soup for Tigress. Did you want extra sauce with that? 还要一碗香辣拌
面 给娇虎的 你要另外加酱料吗
32--She wants it on the side 她要多加酱料的
33--- On the side. - On the side.- 多加酱料 - 多加酱料
34--Dragon, you can do 你能做到
35--- Go, Dragon Warrior. - Defend the valley. - 冲吧 神龙大侠 - 保卫村庄
36--- Go Dragon Warrior. - Yeah, defend the valley- 去呀 神龙大侠 - 保卫村庄
37--Yee-ha! 啊哒
38--You guys aren't doing the dramatic pose , are you? 你们没摆华丽的造型对吧
39--Do we have to strike a pose every time we land? 我们需要每次出场都摆个造型吗
40--You guys, never underestimate the power of a dramatic 永远不要低估华丽