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公务员面试 计划组织协调题.pdf

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公务员面试 计划组织协调题.pdf

上传人:endfrs 2021/8/19 文件大小:1.19 MB


公务员面试 计划组织协调题.pdf


文档介绍:consciousness". Awareness of the overall situation of political consciousness, consciousness, core, par. This "four Consciousnesses" embodies the fundamental political orientation, political stand and political demands, is the touchstone of testing political quality of party members, and study the effect of education an important yardstick. Well the Constitution Party rules to comply with, series speaks well, important is to see that "four Consciousnesses" tree good is not in prison. To put enhanced "four a consciousness" as learning education of a fundamental requirements to implement, education guide General members always firm right of political direction, active consciously to to Central par, and to XI General Secretary par, and to party of theory and route approach policy par, strongly maintenance central authority, maintenance party of led core, always in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent. Every party
member has to do, what they advocate, responded positively to the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee decision, serious practiceWhat Party Central Committee against what, and they strongly oppose what do orders to ensure Central Government decrees and decisions landed the second to hold fast to "four-line". XI Jinping, Secretary of the "two" highlighted in the study and education as an indicator, to underline the bottom line of doing things. The bottom line is the law line, bottom line, bottom line policy discipline and morals. Law reflects the will of the State, is the bottom line for all citizens, is the bottom line of the Communist Party, all party members should bear in mind that legal red lines impassable, in addition to legal and policy requirements within the scope of personal interests and work outside the terms of reference, or seek any other private interests and privilege. Party discipline, party rules stricter than national law, more demanding, this is the in


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