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文档介绍:B eijing Referred to Beijing Beijing is the capital of China , the country's political and cultural center and hub for international exchanges , but also a famous historical and cultural city of Xi'an , Luoyang, Kaifeng , Nanjing, Hangzhou, tied for the six ancient capitals in China . Beijing is the world's historical and cultural cities and ancient capitals. As early as seven million years ago, the Beijing Zhoukoudian area to the emergence of primitive tribal groups "Peking Man. " 旅游资源北京具有丰富的旅游资源,对外开放的旅游景点达 200 多处,有世界上最大的皇宫紫禁城、祭天神庙天坛、***北海、皇家园林颐和园,还有八达岭、慕田峪、司马台长城以及世界上最大的四合院恭王府等各胜古迹。全市共有文物古迹 7309 项, 其中国家文物保护单位 42个, 市级文物保护单位 222 个。北京的市树为国槐和侧柏,市花为月季和菊花。另外,北京出产的象牙雕刻、玉器雕刻、景泰蓝、地毯等传统手工艺品驰誉世界。交通电讯城市道路总长 公里,道路面积 万平方米。城市公路总长 1359 7 公里,公路密度每百平方公里 公里。地铁线路有 2 条,总长 54 公里,年运送乘客 亿人次。首都机场已开通 200 多条国际国内航线,通往世界主要国家及地区和国内大部分城市。首都国际机场年吞吐旅客 2169 万人次, 进入亚洲最繁忙机场的行列。北京已与世界上所有国家和地区通邮,国内直播电话可达 2300 个城市, 国际直播电话可达 260 个国家和地区。 2000 年底, 全市公众网固定电话普及率 部/百人, 其中市内普及率为 部/百人; 移动电话用户达到 266 万户;电子计算器互联网用户达到 万户。S hanghai Shanghai called the Shanghai urban area of 3925 square kilometers, population 16,740,000. Located in the Yangtze River Delta front, Forest East China Sea, the east is the vast expanse of the Pacific, and the . west coast across the sea, south of Hangzhou Bay, the West and the affluent Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces adjacent to the northern boundary of the Yangtze golden waterway Estuary, while the central coast of north-south transportation facilities, geographic location. Shanghai's Chongming Island, the territory of an area of 1,041 square kilometers, is China's third largest island. Shopping Shanghai isa "shopping paradise", has long formed the "Fourth Street Fourth City ": China Business First Street, Nanjing Road, Huaihai Road and elegant, the civilian North Sichuan mercial Street, the southern architectural style of the Nanjing East Road, the Yuyuan Garden strong ethnic characteristics Mall, the newly minted Xujiahui Mall, Pudong New mercial