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文档介绍:外研版高一(1) Module 1 山东翟纪友 Writing We can send our best wishes to our friends by email. Email is bridging the distance between people. 1. Who is writing the email? Martha, a 16-year-old girl from New York. 2. Why is she writing? She wants students to tell her about their memories of their first year at primary school. Read the email from an American student and answer the question. 3. What does she remember? The smell of wall paint; Molly, her friend; Miss Sharp ’ s smile; her favorite activity: drawing pictures. Hello, my name is Martha, I’ m ___ years old and live in _________. I ’ m in _____ grade in Senior High school. My favorite subjects are______ and _______. I’ m also studying _______ in the evening class. Main idea of the passage: New York tenth history Spanish Chinese Martha ’ s self-introduction. 16 What is the main idea of Paragraph 2? Martha has some questions about LiKang ’ s memories of his first year at school. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? Martha ’ s memories about her first year at school. Write a reply, answering the questions in the email. Sample: A: What is your first memory of school? B: My first memory of school was the smell of paint. A: What was your favorite activity when you were in first grade? B: My favorite activity in first grade was drawing pictures. A: What can you remember about your first teacher? B: My first teacher was called Miss Sharp and she had the biggest smile in the world. A: Who was your first best friend? Is she still your best friend? B: My first best friend was a girl called Molly and we were friends for about three years. But then she moved to California. She still write to me. Language points 1. in the evening class 在上夜校 2. Would you mind answering the questions for me? 你介意回答我的问题吗? Would you mind doing …? 你介意做……吗?


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