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上传人:guoxiachuanyue013 2021/8/24 文件大小:56 KB




文档介绍:: .
This is not my book. My is in my school bag.
Work ing out regularly is good for you health.
Yesterday, my father and (me) took the old smart TV set to a local shop.
That is why pare nts en courage (they) kids to earn pocket money.
First of all, let me in troduce (I)
•名词单复数:many +名词复数/most +名词复数
Wei Hua made many friend in Britai n last year.
The earthquake destroyed many house and killed thousa nds of people.
Wome n live Ion ger tha n men in most coun try.
Of course, this is true in most (country).
Many people thi nk that Sydney is one of the most attractive (city) in the
Their pare nts help them sell the fruit from their own (tree) to n eighbors.
I no ticed that my (classmate) were stari ng at me.
* It is +v-ed(过去分词)+that …
It believed that our en vir onment will be better in the future.
It (find) that words such as ‘ would ' and ‘ could ' help be usbd to
more polite.
* It is/was +被强调部分+ that…
It was the day before yesterday whe n he broke the wi ndow.
I thought it was Hannah had deliberately let out my secret.
* It is no use/good + doing …是无用的/没有好处的
It is no use argue with a pers on who n ever cha nges his mind.
* it做形式宾语
Most of us found difficult to finish the task in such a short time.
Many pare nts thought usele


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