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文档介绍:How do you feel on the first day of a term?
Do you have much to do?
Are you immediately accustomed to school life after a long vacation at home?
Do you talk a lot about a new teacher?
Are you afraid that you will not keep up with your classmates if you don’t work so hard?
Are you nervous to meet new teachers?
Lead in
depressed / excited /upset / nervous
not have much to do /
be busy with preparations
be accustomed to something /
an early bird
afraid or nervous to see new teachers/ long to meet new teachers
Key words
talk a lot about new teachers /
make comments on teachers
a lazy bone /
a hard worker
be strict with students /
expect a lot
keep up with others /
fall behind
Sample paragraph
I am usually a little upset on the first day of a semester. I have to busy myself with preparations for classes. I can’t get up on time as I have been accustomed to the vacation schedule. What’s worse, I am usually a little nervous to meet new teachers as I don’t know what he or she is like.
Some teachers are quite strict with students and expect a lot of them. Above all, I also worry that I can’t keep up with my classmates with my lessons. So I don’t like the first day at school.
Pair Work
a. Questions:
Do you often call home from college?
When do you often call home?
Class work
Stay in touch with your parents. (And not just to ask them for money) They have some good advice to share. Besides, they want to know how things are going. After all, they are probably paying for most of it!
Don't just call when things are tough. Call to share the good news, too.
b. Look at the following letter. What have you learned from it?
Class work
Dear Mom,
School is really great. I am making lots of friends and studying very hard. With all my stuff, I simply can’t think of anything I need, so if you would like, you can just send me a card, as I w


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