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I从中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。(5分) 1.
sample supermarket force
center silent

A fun
A chosen
1 (20 分)
I B. national
B value
B lose
B .certainly

D. example
C bus D success
C law D control
C .camera D. course

( )1. Ifs not polite to speak _
A. loud
() bike is
A. same as
()3. Fm in any
A. interested; interesting
in public.
B. loudly my sister's.
B. as the same book.
B. interesting; interested
C. louder
C. the same as
C. interests; interest
( )4. Our teachers always encourage us
A. to read B. read
( )5. He asked his father .
A. where it happens B. what was happen
( ) don't know he will come tomorrow,
A. if; whether B. whether; whether
( )7. will you stay in America?
About two months.
A. How many B. How often
()8. He found
A. this
( )9. His parents make her
A. stay at home
aloud in English class.
C. reading
C. how it happened
he come, I will tell you.
C. whether; if
C. How long very interesting to ride a horse on the farm.
B. that
at night.
B. stags at home

C. to stay at home
( )10. Which do you like , Jeans or cheongsam?
A. good B. better
( )11. The policeman told the students
A. not play B. to not play
( )12. What she did us surprised.
A. to make B. made
( )13. Did Jack come to our party


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