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上传人:蓝天 2021/8/26 文件大小:66 KB




文档介绍:一、 听力测试(听录音前先看题两分钟)(10%)
( )1. Where's the man's pencil case?
On the table. B・ Under the table. C. On the floor.
( )2. How many days does the man go to school a week?
Five. B. Six. C・ Seven.
( )3. What day is it tomorrow?
Sunday. B. Mon day. C. Tuesday.
( )4. When is Li Tao's birthday?
A. On January 1st ・ B. OnOctoberlst ・ C. On May 1 st ・
( )5. What time does the man get up?
A. At 7: 30. B. At 6: 30. C. At 7: 00.
My festivals are Chinese New Year and Dragon Boat Festival. We
celebrate Chinese New Year jn or February. It is usually
at that time, but we have clothes to wear and food to
eat. We are happy. In June or we celebrate Dragon Boat Festival. It
is very . We eat dumplings. At the festival we
can dragon boat races, too.
二、 单词拼写(10%)
1 ・ I often go to see the films, because they are (精彩的).
I like (春天)a nd autumn, but I don't like winter.
Let5s go on (假期)in September.
There are all kinds of Christmas (卡片)in the shop.
Our National Day is in (十月)•
Many people feel very (兴奋的)when they see Jay Chou.
There are two (蜡烛)in the pumpkin.
& You can solve(解答)the difficult problem in many (方法).
—How often does he go to see his grandfather?
—Ten (次数)a year.
We should get on well with(相处)our (邻居)and help each other.
三、 句型转换(5%)
1 ・ The girl in a special costume is Kitty.(对画线部分提问) is Kitty?
Tomorrow is Satur


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