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新视野视听说(第三版)B1U4 听力原文.doc

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新视野视听说(第三版)B1U4 听力原文.doc

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新视野视听说(第三版)B1U4 听力原文.doc


文档介绍:新视野视听说(第三版)B1U4 听力原文
Unit 4 Getting from A to B
Listening to the world
F = Finn; M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc.
Part 1
F: I usually get to work by bus. It takes about half an hour. Sometimes I read a book on the way. How about you? How do you get to work?
M1: I travel by bus. Um, it’s only one bus to work. It takes about 15 minutes.
M2: I get to work by car.
W1: Bus.
W2: I walk to work.
M3: I get to work on the tube and I walk some of the way.
W3: About five minutes walk to the station, Waterloo Station, and then I get on a bus which takes about 20 … 25 minutes.
M4: On most days I use the tube – my journey into work and my journey home at the end of the day.
M5: I cycle to work. That’s the quickest and easiest way.
W4: I cycle in to work every day on my bike.
Part 2
F: What do you do on your journey to work?
M3: I usually listen to music or read.
M1: Sometimes I listen to music and sometimes I read a book.
M4: I either read the newspaper or I read books.
W4: Take in the fresh air, the scenery, um … and try to avoid holes in the road which are quite dangerous.
W3: I listen to my iPod.
M5: Well, sometimes, if … if it’s a bit of a quiet road, I can think about what I’m going to do that day.
W1: I … I dream, usually. I just … I, I love … I love journeys. I love just looking out of the window.
M2: Well, it’s so short; I don’t actually do very much at all, apart from making sure I don’t have an accident.
Part 3
F: What do you like about it?
M4: It’s fairly short, so my journey to work is only 30 minutes.
W3: It’s quick.
M2: It’s short. It only takes me seven or eight minutes.
W1: Seeing how the landscape changes through the seasons.
M3: I like listening to music and having some time to think before work.
M1: It’s quite early in the morning, which means that the bus is always quit


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