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新视野视听说(第三版)B1U5 听力原文.doc

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新视野视听说(第三版)B1U5 听力原文.doc


文档介绍:新视野视听说(第三版)B1U5 听力原文
Unit 5 Relax and explore
Listening to the world
F = Finn; W1 = Woman 1, etc.; M1 = Man 1, etc.
Part 1
F: I love hot weather, so when I go on holiday I like to travel to hot countries. Last year I went to Greece, which was beautiful. How about you? What kind of holidays do you like?
W1: I like adventure holidays. But then, I like going on holidays where there’re loads of famous landmarks.
M1: I like relaxing beach holidays.
W2: I like different kinds of holidays. I like city breaks, like going to London. Er, I also like beach holidays, though.
W3: I like activity holidays, where we swim or, cycle or um, do boat trips or skiing, walking, that kind of thing.
W4: Activity holidays really.
M2: I really like beach holidays.
W5: I love to go on beach holidays.
W6: We like relaxing holidays.
W7: We like all sorts of holidays. Er, relaxing ones and city breaks especially.
Part 2
F: Where did you go on your last holiday?
M2: My last holiday was to the Cook Islands, and, um, I had a fantastic time. I just sat on the beach and did not (do) very much – read a couple of books, um, and went kayaking and did some other water sports.
W5: The last holiday I went on was, um, to Bali, um, in Asia.
W6: We went to Saint Lucia last year, where we had a relaxing holiday on the beach, reading our books and swimming.
W4: We’ve got two young children, so our last holiday we went to Disneyland in Paris.
M3: Last year I went to Australia with my mom and friends and that was pretty much a beach holiday. We were there for two and a half weeks and it was very good, very warm.
W7: We went to New York, er, five ladies! Um, and it was the most wonderful place, wonderful theaters, er, wonderful nightlife and safe.
W1: My last holiday, I went to Rome. Er, we saw the Coliseum, the Spanish Steps. Um, one night there was live opera there.