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Assignment specification (BA Program)
英语专业必修课程作业要求 (专升本课程)
Course: Practical Business Project Design Assignment: 02 (Units 6-10) Assignment title: Data Collection\/Appendices, Project Implementation, Discussion, Conclusion, Introduction, Abstracts, and the first draft of the whole paper 重要声明:本课程的各阶段作业要求以网院在平台上发布的作业要求为准,而不是根据教材中的作业要求完成作业。
姓名: __周建霞_____学籍号: 091011010231__ 年级:09春专升本3班
学****中心:北京总部学****中心 辅导教师: 刘敏跃

Based on the project design you have completed in the previous stage, you are asked to implement your project and then compose the core parts of your BA degree paper in this assignment. Please refer to units 6-10 of Practical Business Project Design for guidance and support to this
assignment. The information in brackets indicate the specific unit you can refer to.
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There are SIX parts in this assignment.

Part One Data Collection\/Appendices (Unit 6>Activity 2)

In your online courseware, two categories of forms\/methods are introduced to collect primary data:
? Observation and logs ? Surveys and interviews
Please present the types of forms you plan to use to collect data in this project, which are going to be attached as appendices in your BA degree paper. You should give a title to each of the form, such as “Focus Group Discussion Outline”,

But first, please restate your project objective and
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hypothesis to which your tutor can refer while they evaluate the types of data you are going to collect.

Project objective: The problem I am facing is that using traditional human resource management inCEIcan'tmake employees satisfied. The goal of my project is to use NINE STAGE STAFF PROJECE to reduce employee turnover from 50% to 10%. __

Project hypothesis: Project hypothesized that the main reason of high staff turn


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