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文档介绍:Brief Introduction Of ASP
ASP Language Basics
Active Server Pages (ASP) is a proven, well-established technology for building dynamic Web applications, which provides the power and flexibility you need to create anything from a personal, Web based photo gallery to a complete catalogue and shopping cart system for your next eCommerce projecto One unique feature of ASP is that it lets you choose your favourite scripting language, be it JavaScript or VBScript; however, VBScript is by far the most popular choice. In this article, Ill bring you up to speed on the basic syntax of the VBScript language, including variables, operators, and control structures.
Server-Side Scripting
To understand where ASP fits into the big picture of Web development, you need to understand the concept of a server-side scripting language. If you've programmed Web pages in Perl, PHP, JSP, or Cold Fusion before, you can safely skip this section - all of those are server-side scripting languages, and ASP works in much the same way. If you're coming to ASP armed only with knowledge of HTML (and perhaps with some CSS and/or JavaScript experience) then you'll find that server-side scripting is quite a bit different.
Let me begin by giving you a quick review of how standard, non-ASP Web pages work. As shown in Figure 1, the Web browser on the client computer (the computer belonging to the user) makes a request for a page, say (1). Assuming the requested file exists on the Web host computer where the Web Server software can find it, that software replies to the request by sending the file back to the browser (2). Any additional files (images, for example) required to display the page are requested and received in the same way. The protocol used for this exchange, and indeed for all communication between Web browsers and Web servers is called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
If you've ever used any JavaScript in your pages, you know that the requested Web page () can contai


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