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文档介绍:摘要装订线I 摘要随着计算机及网络技术的飞速发展,企业文件管理信息化、网络化是必然的趋势。利用计算机和网络技术来进行文件管理,具有以下优势:利于实现数据信息的共享,减轻管理员的工作负荷,使文件管理更科学、更规范、更安全。因此,设计一个安全的网络文件管理系统是十分必要的。在线文件虚拟管理系统通过在 Visual Studio 2010 集成开发环境和数据库软件 SQL Server 2008 环境下,使用 技术配合 SQL Server 服务器联合开发出,根据在线文件虚拟管理系统的系统需求,主要有文件夹管理与文件管理两大功能。此系统实现了移动化的办公,满足了用户在任何地点任何时间进行个人文件的上传、下载、删除及文件夹的新建、修改等操作需求,同时实现了远程的数据共享,通过互联网进入系统可以封边快捷地享受共享资源。经过两个月的努力,对系统逐步的修改与完善,系统已基本能有效地完成其预期的功能。关键词: 上传,下载,数据库,文件管理,ASP .NET ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT With the fast development puter work technology, it is an inevitable tendency panies to manage documents by the use puter work technology. In that way, it is advantageous to share information and reduce the workload of managers. It will make the document management more scientific, more standard and much safer. Therefore, it is very essential to design a work file management system. Online file virtual management system is developed by the SQL Server server and technology in the environment which posed bination of Visual Studio 2010 integrated development environment and database software SQL Server 2008 .ording to the demand of the system on-line file virtual management system, it mainly has the file management and file management functions of the two. This system has realized the mobile office, meeting the needs of users in any place and time for personal file upload, download, delete the folder, and new operational changes demand, and realizes the remote data sharing, the into a system can be quickly shared resources edge. After two months of hard work, to modify and improve the system step by step, system has been basically can effectively plish its intended function. keywords: Upload, Download, Database, File Management ,asp .net 目录 III 目录 1 绪论................................................................................................... 4 课题背景................................................................................................. 4 国内外研究现状............................................................


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