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上传人:sunny 2021/8/31 文件大小:32 KB





第 3 页
There are several ways to recycle old clothes and many reasons you might want to. Closet overflowing? Piles of stuff that no longer fit? Things you simply don’t like any more? If the answer is yes to any or all of these questions, you need to know some ways to recycle old clothes. We’re not talking about upcycling so you can wear them but about the best way to make the most of clothing that still has wear left in it that can be put to good use. There is great benefit to the environment when we recycle old clothes and there’s the philanthropic aspect too – helping others. Let’s take a look at some great ways to recycle old clothes.
第 3 页
1. Give to friends送给朋友
An easy way to recycle old clothes that you consider past their wear date, but are still in good condition, is to pass them on to friends. For them, they could be exciting ‘new additions’ for their wardrobe, especially if the clothing suits their style of dressing. They will appreciate your gesture and the fact that you will be saving them money. Don’t forget that item you found lurking at the back of your closet may well be considered on trend again now.
2. Give to good causes捐赠给慈善事业
第 5 页
Recycle clothes by donating them to your local thrift shops or charity organizations. These places aren’t a dumping ground for rubbish – the clothing should still be of use, but also remember that even if an item is stained, torn or lightly damaged, it can be given a new lease of life at a textile recovery facility.
3. Give to